

History - Location of the Department


The Department of Physiotherapy of the University of the Peloponnese was created through Law No 4610/2019 “University and Technological Educational Institute Synergies, Access to Tertiary Education, Experimental Schools, General State Archives and other provisions” (Government Gazette 70/Α΄/07-05-2019) and is a part of the School of Health Sciences of the University of the Peloponnese. It is the fi ſt h (5th) University Department of Physiotherapy in Greece and one of the three Departmentsof the University of the Peloponnese, which are located in Sparti.

During the two years of the Department’s operation, the courses are taught by teaching staff members under contract with doctoral titles and high scientific background.


Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies


The content of the Department of Physiotherapy studies covers the study fi eld of the Science of Physiotherapy, with the aim of preventing of and rehabilitation aſt er pathological situations, congenital and acquired, as well as traumatic injuries that cause disorders of the musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular system.

Moreover, the new curriculum in Physiotherapy through the University of the Peloponnese aims to:

▶ reinforce the promotion of knowledge and develop research in the relevant scientifi c areas of physiotherapy.
▶ create high-quality physiotherapists according to the internationally predetermined skills, as they are defi ned by the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) and EU directives if favour of society and public health.
▶ provide high-level scientifi c training for a research or even academic career of physiotherapists within the current competitive environment in Europe and worldwide.

For the time being, there are no Postgraduate Curricula offered by the Department.

In addition, there is still no Accreditation, because the Department is only in the second year of its operation.


Carrer Prospects


Until 2018, education in the fi eld of physiotherapy in Greece was off ered only by the technical sector of Greek universities (Technological Educational Institute – TEI). Because of the founding of the new university departments of Physiotherapy, the law should be updated, in order to prevent any possible problems about the professional rights of new graduates. The Department has the title “Physiotherapy” and its curriculum covers a recognised scientifi c fi eld with recognised professional rights (P.D. 90/1995, Government Gazette 53, issue Α’).

The professional rights of the Department’s graduates are defi ned by the aforementioned P. D., stating that:

▶ ... “these graduates bear the professional title “Physiotherapists” and work either individually or in cooperation with doctors, aſt er a relevant medical diagnosis, on preventing and improvement of and rehabilitation aſt er pathological situations, congenital and acquired, as well as traumatic injuries that cause disorders of the musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular system.

▶ They have the right to work in the public sector or broader public sector entities, the private sector or as freelancers. They can also found their own private physiotherapy institutes according to the applicable legislation (P.D. 29/87). The practice of the occupation also requires the acquisition of a professional licence, provided by the services of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Social Security”.

▶ Moreover, according to article 34 of Law No 4316/2014… “The graduates of the departments of Physiotherapy of the Technological Educational Institutes in Greece evaluate, choose and apply any physiotherapy practices, according to the Royal Decree 411/1972 and P.D. 29/1987 and P.D. 90/1995, as they apply and are included in the Chapter “Physiotherapies” of the P.D. 157/1991, as it applies based on a written diagnosis or a medical report in their workplaces according to the applicable legislation”.

Lastly, the World Health Organisation (WHO) defi nes physiotherapists as a distinct professional specialisation → «Physiotherapists, ISCO code 2264», according to International Standard Classifi cation of Occupations (ISCO, 2008 revision), while the profession of physiotherapist belongs to the World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA, 2010) as an autonomous Health Profession.

The Department’s graduates have the right to enrol in several Postgraduate Curricula in Greece.




Research laboratories, research projects, post-doctoral (There has been no such activity yet).




37.070167, 22.440111

Department of Physiotherapy


Maria Tsironi

Efstathiou & Stamatikas Valioti & Plataion Avenue, 23100 Sparta
+30 27310-89-689