History - Location of the Department
The Department of Speech and Language Therapy of the University of the Peloponnese was founded in 2009 (as the former Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Peloponnese, Government Gazette 44/issue Α΄/12-03-2009), and today it is one of the three departments in this fi eld operating in the Higher Education Institutes of Greece. The studies last four years and the Department offers education on Speech, Language and Voice Pathology. The Department is located in Kalamata (Antikalamos, Messinia) and at the moment, it has two permanent Teaching and Research Staff members (DEP), who are associate professors.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies
The Department of Speech and Language Therapy operates by applying a contemporary Curriculum which includes a) background courses from the fi elds of Linguistics, Medicine, Psychology and Pedagogy, and b) specialisation courses on speech, language, voice, ingestion and hearing disorders, as well as courses on new technologies. Apart from the theoretical part, the Curriculum includes a compulsory clinical practice, which is held in nursery and primary schools, special education schools, hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centres and the Speech and Language Clinic of the University of the Peloponnese, located in Kalamata.
Carrer Prospects
The Department’s graduates work in public or private sector. Through P. D. No 96 (Government Gazette 82/18-4-2002), the professional rights of the graduates of the Department of Speech and Language Therapy are established, while P. D. No 49 (Government Gazette Α΄80/5-5-2016), describes the requirements for acquiring the professional licence.
The Department has the laboratory “Clinical Applications in Speech and Language Therapy, Hearing, Voice and Speech Analysis Laboratory”, which meets the educational, social and research needs arising during speech and language evaluation and speech and language intervention in children and adults with communication and speech/language disorders. The laboratory’s aims include the support of the educational and civil work in places such as the university clinic, hospitals and rehabilitation centres, family, and general or special schools where people with communication, speech and or language problems are integrated; data production for research reinforcement; application of innovative programmes or intervention practices in speech and language therapy through new technologies on a wide range of special population groups – not only children, but also adults; and the provision of health professionals with educational/training work within the wider range of speech and language therapy. Lastly, the Department off ers the opportunity of post-doctoral research.
37.062231449377, 22.062968152243
Department of Speech and Language Therapy